Please pray for this new avenue to Mercy Air's service, more especially that these first flights will be a blessing to the people served through the clinics and that the helicopter will be richly used by God to build his kingdom.
Paul & Cathy
It is a long story of how we got it but Paul was able to fly this trip in Mercy Air's new Beech Baron.
So, we'll be writing to many of you personally this coming week to start arranging our itinerary and we look forward to hearing from many more of you soon.
Not all work and no play though as we have both entered a number of mountain bike races the last few months and Paul did his first triathlon recently and didn’t do too bad - for a veteran!
Cathy has started volunteering at Africa School of Missions which is a bible college preparing missionaries for overseas service. She teaches basic medical skills and is part of a team which visits a rural clinic once a week. She finally got her registration for both nursing and midwifery with the South African Nursing Council. The next hurdle is to apply for a work permit which will allow her to practice in a variety of areas.
Despite not looking too perturbed this bloke apparently had a 4" long 1/2" deep gash in his head.
One last pic of something we found playing with the cats in Matthew’s bedroom. Paul’s fingers are on the left at the same scale.
Anyone for a visit?!
Paul and Cathy