News and updates from Paul and Cathy Middleton, serving in southern Africa.

24 March 2008

All big and growed up

For someone who usually gets to fly from place to place I was reminded of just how big even our little corner of Africa was, when we spent two full days driving to Grahamstown for Matthew's graduation - and then two full days back again. Fortunately half way was where we used to live in Lesotho so we had somewhere to stay and friends to catch up with there.

The two days in Grahamstown were a hive of activity with the highlight being the graduation itself. A typically posh and lengthy affair but no harm in a bit of pomp and ceremony in recognition for all that has been achieved over the last four years. The following day was the garden party for mass congratulations and photo opportunities.

As an aside, a funny thing happened on the way to the graduation - as they say.
We stopped by at an airfield that Paul used to fly from to see what was going on there. They are now breeding lions and when we arrived a vet was just about to dart one cos it had had its tail bitten by another lion. Turns out it was too badly damaged to save and had to be amputated. Even in Africa, not the kind of thing you see every day.

Thanks for praying for travel safety (2600km is like driving the length of Britain and back), and your prayers for Matthew over the last four years.

P n' C

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