News and updates from Paul and Cathy Middleton, serving in southern Africa.

23 July 2009

Oh Happy Day

All days are slightly different depending on the criteria one uses to measure them, but today was a good day.

Firstly, I got my wife back from two weeks visiting her family in the UK.

Secondly, we went to the Department of Home Affairs in Nelspruit and was told that my application for a work permit had been approved.

I have been on a volunteer temporary residence permit for the last six years (two, three year visas), which is the maximum they allow. The only way to go from here then, was to advertise and apply for my own job and get a work permit. This involved a small mountain of paperwork that would send shivers down even the most liberal tree huggers spine. The desired result was achieved however, and the relevant piece of green paper that allows me a further three years sojurn in South Africa, is now firmly affixed in my passport.



Izzy T said...

Wahaaay, am stoked for you!
Enjoy :)

Paul and Cathy said...

Pretty stoked ourselves.
Now C and I both have three years.
Perhaps we're meant to stay here!